Explore Our Volunteer Opportunities

Looking for active, dedicated people of all ages!

Our volunteers are active, dedicated people of all ages and abilities. There are many opportunities for volunteers, ranging from staffing the Warrior Jackson Bridge Library and Tech Hub to teaching seminars, assisting with youth programs, member services, and office administration duties. Volunteers also serve as staff for the annual Juneteenth in the Park Festival, support the Summer Day Camp, and assist with special events.

AACSA Support Volunteers

As our growth expands and demand for services increases, new opportunities for volunteer assistance are arising. The AACSA needs volunteers who can fulfill the following support roles.

·     Information and Referral  

·       Social Events Outreach  

·       Web/Graphic Designer  

·       Workshop Assistance  

·       Admin/Clerical Support  

·       Library  

·       Web/Desktop  

For a complete description of our support requirements, download volunteer information here:   https://sjaacsa.volunteerlocal.com/volunteer/  

AACSA Standing Committees

The following AACSA Standing Committees plan and recommend activities and programs for Board approval.

·       Annual Gala

·       Building Improvement

·       Economic Development

·       Fundraising

·       Historical

·       Juneteenth Festival

·       Marketing & Public Relations

·       MLK Luncheon

·       Programs

·       Youth & Young Adult Outreach

For more information on these committees, please visit our committees page.

We invite you to join us for a night of celebration and love. Help us celebrate this year's Senior Citizens Valentine's Day Party! An event filled with food, laughter, and great memories!

AACSA Officers and Board

Recruitment of Board Members


The AACSA seeks individuals who are committed and civic-minded. The Board of Directors continually accepts nominations from a variety of sources to ensure broad community representation and a full complement of skills necessary to fulfill the Agency's mission.

A potential Board member must serve on an AACSA committee for a minimum of three months before consideration for a position on the Board.

Interested individuals should possess and have demonstrated many of the following skills and characteristics in prior community or professional service:

Board Membership

Board membership is voluntary and racially diverse, and includes men and women of various economic standings. The board seeks to maintain and build upon its diversity and to reflect ongoing changes in the African American community. Individuals of all backgrounds are encouraged to apply.

Board members should be able to commit 6-12 hours per month to Agency business, as well as assist in raising funds.

Specifically, individuals must be able to:

·       Attend all regularly scheduled board meetings.

·     Serve and chair at least one standing committee and attend that committee's monthly meetings. Written reports         on your committee's progress are due monthly.

·       Attend Agency functions and fundraising events.

·     Represent the Agency as an ambassador to the community, which requires attending two or more community       meetings and/or events each month to encourage networking and collaborative spirit with various organizations         and  community leaders.

·       Represent the Agency's mission and the Board's decisions.

How to Apply for the Board

Submit a resume with your work experience, education, and volunteer activities to the AACSA Board of Directors via email to info@sjaacsa.org. Include a detailed cover letter that explains why you would like to participate on the Board. You will be contacted by one of the Directors regarding the application status. All new candidates are subject to a majority vote by the existing Board of Directors.